Find out about our activities if you are part of the CERN community. All WIT Activities are available in our Indico page.

WIT Talks
WIT Talks are interviews with women in leading roles at CERN, in industry or in academia about their careers and backgrounds, giving them the chance to inspire fellow women and share their views on gender issues, like how to improve the gender balance in STEM. These talks prompt positive discussion among both women and men at CERN interested in equal opportunities. We have had the chance to listen to many interesting and inspiring women. Check in Indico to know more and access some of the recorded sessions.

WIT Drinks
WIT Drinks are networking events where participants have the opportunity to meet other colleagues at CERN and listen to the experts of the different experiments and departments. Women colleagues do a guided tour around one of the experiments or laboratories and afterwards participants gather around drinks and snacks to continue discussing and getting to know each other.

WIT Diversity Talks
WIT Diversity Talks are interviews with senior male colleagues who talk around their experiences and thoughts on gender diversity and gender balance, and why this has been important to them both professionally and personally. The purpose is to show a different aspect on gender diversity and to raise awareness and provide role models on how one as a (male) ally can participate in progressing the issue.

WIT Mentoring
A mentoring program open to everyone is organised every year. The idea is to create a natural, safe, confidential space where issues can be discussed and where people can learn from someone else’s senior experience who is further down a particular path. This can help develop links, ideas and opportunities that otherwise might not have happened.
The WIT Mentoring program is done in collaboration with CERN Alumni.

Lectures, screenings and more
WIT also organises other events like lectures and movie screenings. We are in touch with similar initiatives in other organisations and companies, and we have also organised exchanges and visits through these contacts.
The WIT Steering Committee is also participating in the Diversity Roundtable organised by the CERN Diversity and Inclussion Office. The Diversity Roundtable is an opportunity to participate in discussions with other informal networks at CERN.