We are seeing unprecedented progress in gender equality and female participation at all levels in our societies. Initiatives are multiplying all around the world to promote equality and propel women to be leaders in their fields. CERN’s Women in Technology (WIT) grass roots community was created in the same spirit.
What we do
Join Us
WIT welcomes members from all genders and all technical fields.
If you have a CERN account, register to the wit-matters@cern.ch e-group and stay tuned! You can also join our Mattermost channel.
“Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world”
Goal 5 of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
“While worldwide figures of women students and graduates in higher education have grown steadily in the last decade, women are still a minority in STEM fields, both in numbers of graduates (especially at Ph.D. level), and in the research profession (see for example UNESCO Science Report: Towards 2030 or the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) Women in Science visualisation). Gender equality in STEM therefore implies encouraging further participation of women and girls throughout all levels of education, and providing equal opportunities for scientists and engineers throughout their careers”
STEM and Gender Advancement, UNESCO Project
“There is progress but it is slow. And we still have a long way to go to achieve full gender equality. As the past has shown us, gender inequality does not fix itself. What we need is a complete cultural change, which requires systematic and coordinated actors, education and strong political commitment by all actors involved. Gender equality is not only a matter of concern for women; it must matter to all of us. If we want to take scientific excellence to the next level; if we want to deliver science-based solutions to the many urgent and pressing global challenges, we need all talents in play”
She Figures 2018 – Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission)
Image Credits: CERN – Photographer: Noemi Caraban (images featuring women working at CERN facilities, experiments and laboratories)